Thursday, 29 December 2011

Christmas Presents

This Christmas a Co-Worker and I decided to exchange gifts. If you knew her, you would find out that she loves bright colors and accessories. So I decided a hat would be fun to make. I used the same pattern as the one I made for my sister for her birthday a while back. 

I love this yarn because it shows the texture of the lace pattern so well!!

I just loved how it turned out!! And she loved it too!!

And this is how I wrapped it, making a box out of 12x12 paper.

Well there is one project I was working on during the month of December. And I have a few more to share... So stay tuned.

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Easy Yarn Ornaments

It has been a while since I have posted.... What can I say. But I have a few posts to make... so don't lose all hope in me!! :) Well this project I did about a month ago. And it was very fun and easy to do.

I started with these foam balls

Then I pined a piece of yarn for the hanger. (sorry it is a blurry picture)

Then spraying a little of this in the out side, I wrapped and wrapped yarn around them to make....

These!! Cute Huh??

I made 4 of each color.

Well there you have it a new set of Christmas ornaments!! I got this idea from seeing them in stores to buy ready made. But I thought it would be WAY to easy to make, with the color's that I would like.
So there you have it, a craft for the Christmas season!!

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Patriotic for a little one named Justice

Justice was born almost 2 months ago. When thinking about what I was going to make for his upcoming shower, I couldn't help but do something with this fabric. Isn't it so cool!! And if you know Tammy, you will know she loves antic looking fabric, patriotic colors. When seeing this fabric it made me want to make something for him, which became a new diaper bag for Justice!!

Here is the inside.

 Here is the side view, with pockets to hold various things!

Also I made a changing pad. The front has the cotton covered with a plastic to protect it and makes it way easier to clean. The back side is terry clothe, but instead of buying it at 10 dollars a yard, I bought a bath towel to do the job!!
There you have it a really cute but very boy diaper bag for one of the sweetest little baby boys!! Thanks for reading!~RebeccA.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Some times you just have to say THANKS!!

When some one does something for you, just to bless you. You (or at least) I find myself unable to say anything but thanks. Even though you think that is not enough to express the deep gratitude you have, it is the best you can do! Which is the reason I have made this card for my dear grandma, who has shown kindness to me!


Saturday, 15 October 2011

Practically Perfect, Horribly Horrid Headband.

This is the matching head band for the tutu that I made.  It was kinda an impromptu thing.  I just thought that the tutu kinda needed something to pull the whole thing together.  I have to say that this headband was not, very easy.  It looks easier to make than it is.  I had to like tac it onto an extra piece of fabric left over from the skirt, it kept getting tangled up in the machine, and then....  Well, you dont want to hear my sob story about how the headband.  The only thing that matters is that I did, finally, get it done.  Hopefully it turned out cute!  I think it did. 

Don't you love my model.  I know, like, cutest little girl ever right?

Thanks for looking!

~Happy Blogging~

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Twirly Tutu.

Wow!  It's been quite a while since I've posted, most of you by this time probably thought that I was dead.   I am however very much alive and you will just have to deal with my little posts until the nest time Rebecca posts. (which is no doubt the reason you are here.)  However, I hope that I am somehow able to make it up to all of you (if any) who frequent this blog.

Anywho, I have been wanting to make a tutu for my little sister Liberty for quite some time now.  It was only recently that I actually built up the courage to cut up all that beautiful material and make it into an even more beautiful tutu.  I think that I was afraid that I would mess it up.  (it is not at all entirely impossible that I still have.)

It was SO easy!  I really want to make another one!  I was thinking that they would make awesome christmas presents.  For like cousins or *cough* Sisters *cough*.

Anyway, with the holiday season coming on I should be getting into my crafting mood again.

I took all these pictures with my iPod by the way.  They're not too bad for that camera.

Supplies: Ribbon, Tulle (I got 1 yard of each color) , Scissors, and a paper towel roll.

First you cut your ribbon to fit the persons waist that you are making it for, and cut your tulle into strips.  Then you tie the ribbon around the paper towel roll.   And begin tying your strips on in whatever order you want (slip knot) until you have enough tho go around the persons waist and....  Ta-Da!  There you have it.  Your own tutu!  It is so much fun!  and very easy.

Thanks for reading!

~Happy Blogging~

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Cabled Finger~Free Gloves

I have finally made something with CABLES.... I thought they were going to be so hard, and that is why I never tried it before now. But...

I tried it and it was....

SO easy!!

And the best part is it LOOKS hard but it is only a matter of switching stitches.

Love this photo!! :)
If you are a knitter and haven't tried cables, I would encourage yo to do so!! It is fun, easy and makes any project look complicated. As you can see I had fun taking pictures with my new fingerless gloves. They will keep my hands nice and warm this fall and winter season!! :) ~RebeccA.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Key Chain Project

I have completed another sewing project..... finally!!
In ones life, there comes a point where you start to use your keys more often then when you are younger. No I have not gotten a car or even my license YET..... but I have been loosing my keys, and have needed to make something to make it easier to find. So with the materials above.....

I made a key chain holder, neat huh?

It was quite the simple project ( I didn't even use a pattern) But it will make a big difference when I go to look for my keys in my black hole of a purse, or around the house! :) With this month soon to be ending.... I hope to do some more sewing projects before the Sewing Month of September ends.
Until next time, ~RebeccA.

Friday, 16 September 2011

KnitPicks Yarn Sale!!

So about two weeks ago, I got an email from KnitPicks saying they were having a warehouse sale. So see that I had to work that day, at 10:45 and it opened at 10am I was really pushing it for trying to go.... But I went any ways. When I got there I had already wished that I had arrived about a half an hour before I did. When I got to the door to go in it was already 10:20... meaning to make it to work on time I had to leave in about 10 min. Well that didn't work. There were boxes and boxes of yarn, and fabric (from there sister shop Connecting Treads) When I looked at the time it was 10:30... panicking I grabbed, and looked and found this....

As soon as I walked in and looked around I had wished I had a plan for projects and yarn to look for, but seeing that I didn't I looked for what I thought I could use.

This is a feather weight yarn, great for lace... never used it before and thought it was a great time to try.
This is called Crayon yarn, I made a scarf out of this for some friends and thought it would be nice to make another one!!

This is great sock yarn!!
And this is called Comfy Sport yarn... not so sure what I am going to do with this but it is so SOFT!!

There great deal was $12.90 per lb. for yarn and $2.80 for fabric!! Great deals!! When I stepped into line to get it weighted and pay.... it was 10:45...the time I had to be at work. So I called work to let them know that I would be late. I finally got out the door around 10:50 and headed to work. Though I was late, it was worth the trip to get some great deals. And hopefully next year (if they do it again... really hoping so) I will be able to go with a list and some more time!! :) You will have to wait and see what I use all this for... ~RebeccA.

Thursday, 15 September 2011


Mending is one of those things that seem to be put to the side of your list of projects to do. But with this sewing month thing, I thought it would be good to get my few items back into use. I had a broken zipper and a button and hook to fix.

Seam ripping is always fun!!

There it is, that awful invisible zipper gone...

And my new, working zipper in!!

Here another skirt had to much use and the button and eye were coming off
There they are, back on and ready to be used!!
 There you have it, what takes no more then a half an hour, and you have your things as good as new!! Why didn't I do this sooner, I don't know, but I am sure glad to cross that one off the list!! :) ~RebeccA.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Felted Slippers

I am sure you are wondering why I am knitting when this is to be sewing month. Well I really didn't knit these this month but about.... umm two months ago. They have been sitting that long waited to felted. These were originally for me, but were pushed off into the "waiting to be finished" projects. Until I realized that my sisters birthday was coming up, and I knew that she wanted a pair, for I made my mom some and she was quite jealous :)
 So I quickly felted them, which is a little harder when you are making them smaller than your own feet.
 And I put this cute button on it!! It just makes it a bit cheery, and will help when the long, cold, rainy days come this winter!! :)
And there you have it. Though she will not need these for a few more months, they will be there waiting to be used when needed!!
Now back to sewing!! ~RebeccA.
P.S. I will eventually make myself a pair.... some day :)