Monday, 21 March 2011

An Apron For Sewing

Well, Hannah (the other writer on this blog) birthday is this Thursday, And because she is leaving for Georgia tomorrow (not fair :) I had to give this to her a little early.

Here is her card, I tried to make
it a bit vintage looking cause that is
Hannah's style!
This is how I wrapped her gift, in some fabric that I
thought she could use to make something.

Here is the pattern I used...And the messy desk, cutting out pieces.........

And here it is, a sewing apron,
to hold all the little things while you are
sewing the seems!!
Here are the different pockets, This is the small
scissor pocket.
Felt square for your hand needles.

Just an ordinary pocket.

Pocket with places for pencils and pens.

One large pocket.

A pin cushion and a small pocket underneath.

I thought it would be neat to fill some of the pockets,
So I found some things, like 2 patterns, scissors, and some other

And there you have it, Cute huh?? I thought the fabric
was just to cute not to make something out of!!
Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear friend!! I hope you find this
useful in the days and years to come!!
With Love,

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