Monday, 7 February 2011

Button Top Pin Cushion

In the four years I have sewn, I have never had a pin cushion of my own. I don't know why I have not made one sooner, but what ever the reason, I made one for myself! But it is not only a pin cushion, it is also a top to my jar of buttons Here is how I did it.
After and before pictures, the after pictures
is way better.

Here is the fabric I used. The next picture is how I cut each piece.
I cut out a circle and then cut it into pie shaped pieces,
then I cut two of each fabric.

Here is all the pie pieces sewn together, with a based stitch
on the out side edge. After pulling the based stitch and stuffing
it, creates a nice looking round pillow.

Then I defined the seam line and added a button for
decoration. It looks way cutier that way!!

Next I hot glued some ribbon on the edge of the lid and glued the
cushion to the top of the lid.

And there you have is and great pin cushion!!

What do you think?? Adorable huh?? I thought it turned out
nice! Rather than looking at an old jar lid, I have a
pin cushion instead!
Until next time,


ready whenever you are..... :)